Кафедра СП — одна з найпрестижніших кафедр КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, яка першою в Україні розпочала підготовку фахівців з комп'ютерних систем проектування у 1972 році. Кафедра СП здійснює підготовку фахівців для науково-дослідної, проектної і організаційно-управлінської діяльності у галузі застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій у проектуванні найрізноманітніших об'єктів штучного середовища людини і інформатизації функціонування організацій та установ.

News > История > Teachers

Head of Department
Date of birth: 03.11.1935
Place of birth: Vijtivtsi village, Volochinsky district, Khmelnitsky region
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: D.E. (1969), professor (1970)
Academic ranks: Member-founder of Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine
Honored ranks: Order ‘Sign of Honour’ (1986), Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine (1986), Honored Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine (1997), Honored Professor of NTUU ‘KPI’ (1998), medal of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine ‘For Scientific Achievements’ (2005), adjunct professor of Michigan State University (USA, 1993), Honored member of the Institute of Electro Engineers (ІЕЕ, England), Laureate of KPI prize (1972,1978,1990).
Began to work at SD Department in: 1964
Lectures disciplines:
Calculus of approximations
Complex systems design
Fundamentals of scientific and engineering activity
Branch of scientific activity: Grid technologies and distributed computations, data mining and Semantic Web, methods of technical objects mathematical design, methodology and principles of program technical complexes and computer aided design means organization in the Web, MEMS design.
General amount of publications: more than 500, including 44 inventions and 2 patents, 26 monographs, textbooks and tutorials, e.g.: "Автоматический ввод графиков в ЭВМ" (Москва, "Советское радио", 1968), "Основы теории электронных схем" (співавтор: Сігорський В.П., Київ, "Техніка", 1968 та 1971), "Алгоритмы анализа электронных схем" (співавтор: Сігорський В.П., Київ, "Техніка", 1970 та Москва, "Советское радио", 1976), "Табличные методы анализа электронных схем" (співавтори: Тімченко А.П., Власов А.Л., Київ, "Вища школа", 1978), "Основы автоматизации проектирования" (Київ, "Техніка", 1982), "Топологические методы трассировки печатных плат" (співавтори: Тетельбаум О.Я., Забалуєв М.М., Москва, "Радио и связь", 1983), "Основы построения САПР" (співавтор: Семенков О.І., Київ, "Вища школа", 1984 та 1985), "Чисельні методи в інформатиці" (співавтори: Фельдман Л.П., Дмитрієва О.А., Київ, BHV, 2006), "Вступ до Grid-технологій в науці і освіті" (Київ, "Політехніка", 2008), "Algorithmic analysis of electronic circuits" (США, 1975), "ALLIED - a Computer-Aided Engineering System for Electronic Circuit Design" (Австралія, 1997), "Basics of Computer-Aided Design" (Болгарія, 1986), "All-Technology Designer: Reference Book" (П. Корея, 1999), "Basics of Electronic Circuits Computer-Aided Design" (П. Корея, 2000)

Date of birth: 15.04.1947
Place of birth: Uzhgorod
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: D.E. (1996), professor (1999)
Began to work at SD Department in: 2007
Lectures disciplines:
Systems with distributed data bases
Computer aided design of devices on EPLD
Branch of scientific activity: mathematical methods of system design, artificial intelligence, intellectual parallel and distributed information systems, methods of adaptation and evolutional self-organization of complex systems
General amount of publications: more than 100, including 6 monographs and 18 tutorials, e.g.: "Расчет и конструирование микросхем" (співавтори: Калніболотський Ю.М., Корольов Ю.В., Богдан Г.І., Київ, "Вища школа", 1983), "Metody і srodki projektowania obiektow interoperabilnych" (Warszawa, "EXIT", 2006), "Materialy dydaktyczne do przedmiotow "Przetwarzanie rownolegle і rozproszone" і "Zaawansowane technologic programowania" * (Szczecin, PS, 2007), "Інтелектуальні платформи розподілених інформаційних середовищ" (Київ, НТУУ "КПІ", 2009), розділ в книзі "Advanced Computer Technologies" (USA, KLUWER, 2006)

Associate professor
Deputy Head of Department
Date of birth: 24.03.1948
Place of birth: Berlin, Germany
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1979), senior staff scientist (1982)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1972
Lectures disciplines:
Fundamentals of system analysis
Modern tools of programming and users interface modeling
Technology of program systems design and testing
Branch of scientific activity: digital circuits and systems design, e-Learning, Grid technologies
General amount of publications: more than 80, including monographs, textbooks and tutorials, e.g.: "Автоматизация проектирования цифровых схем" (співавтори: Петренко А.І., Цурин О.П., Київ, "Вища школа", 1978), "Возможности и принципы реализации логического моделирования цифровых устройств" (співавтор: Петренко А.І., Київ, "Знання", 1983), "Применение персональных ЭВМ в САПР электронно-вычислительной аппаратуры" (співавтор: Саткеєв К.Т., Київ, "Знання", 1988)

Associate professor
Date of birth: 21.07.1953
Place of birth: Zhaskiv, Cherkassy region.
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1983), senior staff scientist (1999)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1974
Lectures disciplines:
Methods of optimization
Mathematic methods of optimization
Algorithms and technologies of parallel computations
Branch of scientific activity: CADS
General amount of publications: more than 120, including 1 monograph and 4 tutorials, e.g.: "Автоматизация схемотехнического проектирования в машиностроении" (співавтори: Петренко А.І., Чкалов В.В., Київ, УМК ВО, 1988), "Оптимальное схемотехническое проектирование в машиностроении" (співавтори: Петренко А.І., Чкалов В,В., Київ, УМК ВО, 1989)

Associate professor
Date of birth: 14.01.1941
Place of birth: urban village Rokytne, Kiev region
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1970), Associate professor (1976)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1966
Lectures disciplines:
Architecture of computational systems
Computer systems of images and signals processing
Digital signal processing
Computer systems and networks design
Branch of scientific activity: methods and means of digital signal processing, micro processor equipment design
General amount of publications: more than 100, including monographs, textbooks and tutorials, e.g.: "Мультимедиа" (співавтори: Петренко А.І., Будняк А.А, Кисельов Г.Д. та інші, Київ, BHV, 1994), "Проектирование микропроцессорной электронно-вычислительной аппаратуры" (співавтори: Будняк А.А., Лапій В.Ю., Молявко С.М., Петренко A.І., Київ, "Техніка", 1988)

Associate professor
Date of birth: 19.08.1941
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1971), Associate professor (1973)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1964
Lectures disciplines:
Information technologies hardware
Computer systems of images and signals processing
Information technologies safety
- Control and diagnostics of information systems
- Theory of information and coding
Branch of scientific activity: applied aspects of digital signal processing, MEMS modeling, biometrical technologies of identification in information systems, computer systems testing and information safety
General amount of publications: more than 100, including 5 author certificates, monographs, textbooks and tutorials, for example:
Обработка графической информации на ЭВМ" (співавтори: Петренко А.І., Абакумов В.Т. та ін., Київ, "Техніка", 1974)

Associate professor
Date of birth: 23.09.1947
Place of birth: Potsdam, Germany
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1987), senior staff scientist (1988)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1989
Lectures disciplines:
Fundamentals of integrated circuits and systems design
Computer aided design of customized LSI
Computer circuit engineering
Branch of scientific activity: integrated circuits design
General amount of publications: more than 30

Associate professor
Date of birth: 05.04.1964
Place of birth: Zaporije
Education: higher, Zaporije National Technical university
Academic rank: C.E. (1996)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1995
Lectures disciplines:
Object-oriented programming
Theory of programming languages
Operational systems
Branch of scientific activity: system and applied programming, technologies of distributed systems programming
General amount of publications: more than 10

Associate professor
Date of birth: 14.11.1938
Place of birth: Stara Rusa, Novgorod region, Russia
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1970), senior staff scientist (1974)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1967
Lectures disciplines:
Introduction into information technologies
Computer graphics and visualization
Fundamentals of engineering activity
Multi media technologies
Branch of scientific activity: web technologies and web design
General amount of publications: more than 200, including monographs, textbooks and tutorials, e.g.: "Побудова пристроїв графічної взаємодії" (Київ, "Знання", 1974), "Графические диалоговые средства САПР" (Київ, УМК ВО, 1990)

Associate professor
Date of birth: 02.09.1957
Place of birth: Nova Kahovka, Kherson region
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (1996)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1981
Lectures disciplines:
Computer networks
Computer systems and networks design
- M
athematical modeling of systems and processes
Computer circuit engineering
Digital systems analysis
Branch of scientific activity: technologies of computer and communication networks, mathematical modeling of systems and processes
General amount of publications: more than 30

Associate professor
Deputy dean of the System Research Department
Date of birth: 16.10.1942
Place of birth: Ulianovsk, Russia
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 1966
Lectures disciplines:
Introduction into information technologies
Programming and algorithmic languages
Development and analysis of algorithms
Data structures and algorithms
Branch of scientific activity: electronic circuits design, analysis of algorithms
General amount of publications: more than 70, including 20 tutorials, 4 author’s certificates

Associate professor
Date of birth: 25.11.1970
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (2001)
Began to work at SD Department in: 1992
Lectures disciplines:
Computational geometry
Special sections of information technologies of design
Computer aided information systems design
Branch of scientific activity: computational geometry, parallel computations, software design
General amount of publications: more than 10

Associate professor
Date of birth: 14.03.1976
Place of birth: Andrushivka, Zhytomyr region.
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (2004)
Began to work at SD Department in: 2003
Lectures disciplines:
Data bases and expert systems design
Data bases
Branch of scientific activity: data bases, distributed computational systems
General amount of publications: more than 10


Senior lecturer
Date of birth: 16.06.1976
Place of birth: Myronivka, Kiev region
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (2004)
Began to work at SD Department in: 2003
Lectures disciplines: Intellectual systems
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines: Calculus of approximations
Branch of scientific activity: 3D graphics
General amount of publications: more than 10

Senior lecturer
Date of birth: 28.06.1977
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Academic rank: C.E. (2006)
Lectures disciplines:
Information technologies security
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Computer circuit engineering
Information technologies hardware
Digital signal processing
Fundamentals of integrated circuits design
Theory of information and coding
Computer aided design of customized LSI
Computer graphics and visualization
Architecture of computational systems

Branch of scientific activity: theory of information and information technologies hardware
General amount of publications: more than 10

Senior lecturer
Date of birth: 11.01.1954
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 1979
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Architecture of computational systems
Digital signal processing
Control and diagnostics of information systems
Digital systems analysis
Computer systems of image and signal processing
Branch of scientific activity: real time systems, DSP, EPLD, micro processors
General amount of publications: more than 15

Scientific secretary
Date of birth: 15.12.1973
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 1997
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Data structures and algorithms
Introduction into information technologies
Development and analysis of algorithms

- Programming and algorithmic languages
Theory of programming languages
Object-oriented programming
Operational systems
Modern tools of programming and users interface modeling
Branch of scientific activity: Complex objects modeling
General amount of publications: more than 20

Date of birth: 07.06.1982
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 2006
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Methods of optimization
Mathematic modeling of systems and processes
Data bases
Information technologies safety
Multi media technologies
Technology of program systems development and testing

- Fundamentals of system analysis
Computer systems of image and signal processing
Branch of scientific activity: data bases modeling, project management
General amount of publications: more than 10

Date of birth: 08.03.1980
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 2007
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Information technologies hardware
Theory of information and coding
Algorithms and technologies of parallel computations

- Methods of optimization
Modern tools of programming and users interface modeling
Data bases and expert systems design
Branch of scientific activity: parallel computations, calculus of approximations, MEMS
General amount of publications: more than 20

Date of birth: 02.12.1980
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 2008
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Calculus of approximations

- Computer aided information systems design
Complex system design
Technology of program systems development and testing

- Computational geometry
- Special sections of information technologies of design
- Fundamentals of system analysis
- Computer aided design of devices on EPLD
- Computer networks
- Systems with distributed data bases
Branch of scientific activity: data bases development, system programming
General amount of publications: 3

Date of birth: 19.05.1981
Place of birth: Kiev
Education: higher, NTUUKPI
Began to work at SD Department in: 2009
Conducts laboratory studies on disciplines:
Programming and algorithmic languages
Development and analysis of algorithms
Data structures and algorithms
Calculus of Approximations
Complex systems design
Branch of scientific activity: computer graphics, computer systems hardware
General amount of publications: 3