Кафедра СП — одна з найпрестижніших кафедр КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, яка першою в Україні розпочала підготовку фахівців з комп'ютерних систем проектування у 1972 році. Кафедра СП здійснює підготовку фахівців для науково-дослідної, проектної і організаційно-управлінської діяльності у галузі застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій у проектуванні найрізноманітніших об'єктів штучного середовища людини і інформатизації функціонування організацій та установ.

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Положення про іменні стипендії

Положення про іменну стипендію імені д.т.н. В.П. Сигорського

Порядок проведення конкурсного відбору

Бланк заяви

Положення про іменні стипендії
Додаток до наказу 

  1. Це положення визначає порядок створення та призначення іменних стипендій для студентів Навчально-наукового комплексу «Інститут прикладного системного аналізу» (далі ННК «ІПСА») з метою підтримки молодих науковців, які проводять перспективні наукові дослідження в галузі природничих та технічних наук.
  2. Іменні стипендії ННК «ІПСА» виплачуються за рахунок стипендіального фонду у розмірі встановленому відповідно до чинного законодавства України.
  3. Створення та призначення персонального імені стипендій здійснюється наказом по ННК «ІПСА» на підставі рішення Вченої ради.
  4. Кандидатури на отримання іменних стипендій визначаються Студентською радою відповідно до Порядку проведення конкурсного відбору студентів на визначення кандидатів на іменні стипендії, який є додатком до цього положення, та розглядаються і затверджуються на засіданнях науково-педагогічних складів кафедр Математичних методів системного аналізу (далі ММСА) та Системного проектування (далі СП) та подаються на розгляд стипендіальній комісії.
  5. Стипендіальна комісія розглядає подання кафедр, приймає рішення та подає на затвердження Вченій раді ННК «ІПСА» кандидатів на призначення іменних стипендій.
  6. Вчена рада ННК «ІПСА» розглядає рішення стипендіальної комісії про призначення іменних стипендій терміном на два навчальних семестри.
  7. Рішення Вченої ради ННК «ІПСА» щодо призначення та виплати іменних стипендій провадиться наказом ННК «ІПСА».
  8. Розмір іменної стипендії встановлюється згідно чинного законодавства України.
  9. Позбавлення студента ННК «ШСА» іменної стипендії може бути здійснено згідно закінчення терміна дії або рішенням Вченої ради ННК «ІПСА» тільки за умов не відповідності студента конкурсним вимогам за поданням стипендіальної комісії.

Положення про іменну стипендію імені д.т.н. В.П. Сигорського
Додаток до наказу 

  1. Стипендія імені д.т.н. Віталія Петровича Сигорського встановлена рішенням Вченої ради (протокол засідання Вченої ради Навчально-наукового комплексу «Інститут прикладного системного аналізу» (далі ННК «ІПСА») від _________________№___).
  2. Присвоєння імені д.т.н. В.П. Сигорського стипендії обумовлено вагомим внеском вченого в розвиток української та світової науки, створення наукових шкіл в області теорії електронних кіл та автоматизованого проектування електронних систем в Національному технічному університеті України «Київський політехнічний інститут».
  3. Стипендії імені д.т.н. В.П. Сигорського призначаються студентам кафедри Системного проектування ННК «ІПСА», які два семестри підряд навчалися на відмінно та займалися науковою діяльністю в галузі технічних наук.
  4. Встановлено дві стипендії імені д.т.н. В.П. Сигорського.
  5. Стипендія виплачується у порядку встановленому наказом ННК «ІПСА» від ________________№_____ «Про іменні стипендії».

Порядок проведення конкурсного відбору студентів
на визначення кандидатів на іменні стипендії

Додаток до Положення
про іменні стипендії

Конкурсний відбір студентів на визначення кандидатів на іменні стипендії ННК «ІПСА» проводиться Студентською радою.

Студентська рада визначає кандидатів на отримання іменних стипендій згідно бальної системи за відмінне навчання та наукові досягнення. Бальна система складається таким чином:

Критерії в балах
1. Кількість семестрів на відмінно 1 сем. = 10
2. Здобутки в науковій роботі
2.1 Патент 50
2.2 Наукова стаття у міжнародному виданні 40
2.3 Наукова стаття у всеукраїнському виданні (ВАК) 30
2.4 Наукова стаття у всеукраїнському виданні 20
2.5 Наукова стаття у університетському виданні (ВАК) 15
2.6 Наукова стаття у університетському виданні 7
2.7 Подана заявка на патент 20
2.8 Участь (доповідь) у Міжнародних конференціях 7
2.9 Участь (доповідь) у Всеукраїнських конференціях 5
2.10 Участь у наукових розробках інституту (визначається науковим керівником студента)* 0-40
3. Участь у Міжнародних олімпіадах і т.ін. 12
3.1 I місце 50
3.2 II місце 30
3.3 III місце 20
3. Участь у Всеукраїнських олімпіадах і т.ін. 7
3.1 I місце 25
3.2 II місце 15
3.3 III місце 10

На розгляд допускаються кандидати в іменні стипендіати, які мають більш ніж 50 балів. Визначених кандидатів на іменні стипендії Студентська рада ННК «ІПСА» подає на розгляд засідань науково-педагогічних складів кафедр ММСА та СП.

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Reviews of graduates
Why the department of System Design?

Fedorenko Oleksij

Group: DA-91

Class of 2005

Place of work: engineering company (Germany)

   Personally for me studying at the department was dynamic, effective, interesting and full with events. Teachers' activity and professionalism and the enthusiasm of young scientists, involved in learning process, make studying and scientific research specially productive. Personally I would like to point out a wide network of department’s international connections that allows students to study and to do internships at the leading universities all over the world. Personally I gained among a lot of different things at the department an opportunity to feel strong at the labor market and found myself today to be taking part in a very interesting project in the engineering company.

Marina Shpakayskas

   "It was a good time! It is nice to think of that times when I was studying and working at the department as a system administrator. The department have contributed me greatly and I am very grateful to all the teachers.

   On the final years I have worked in the MTS in the Department of exploitation NSS (system of commutation) and I was engaged in the support of switching equipment systems. This summer I switched to the information security department. My main working areas and responsibilities are:

1. Administration and maintenance of company's security systems.
2. Conducting information systems security audits.
3. Conducting internal investigations and detection of security incidents (information leaks, system hacking, etc.)
4. Protection and anti-fraud in networks operators. I am satisfied with the work, I have opportunities to use my skills and gain very good experience.

Соломко Валентин Анатолійович

  Born on May 9, 1982, in Kyiv. A 2005 graduate of CAD department. In 2002 joined the IC design group lead by V. Stikanov. After graduation in 2005, continued as a scientific assistant with the Chair of Circuit Design, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany, where he was giving lectures and practical course on radio-frequency engineering. Since 2009 works as a research engineer in General Electric Company, Munich.


-       2003 – bachelor degree

-       2005 – master degree

-       In 2008 got a doctoral degree (Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften) from Brandenburg University of Technology. Thesis: “Monolithically Integrated Sigma-Delta Frequency Synthesizers in 0.13 μm CMOS”

Professional Experience / Achievements

-       Design of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies (frequency synthesizers, ADCs, power amplifiers, low-power sensors, readout circuits for x-ray sensors etc.)

-       6 publications, among them are 2 utility models

-       Reviewer for IET journals

Kuz Pavlo Serhijovych

Group ZDA-41

Graduated in 2010 (distance course)

   I was working as a network engineer at the MTS Ukraine when I was graduating, soon after that I switched to the Google Australia also to the position of network engineer, where I work today. Well, the previous 9 years working in IT I will probably modestly omit .
Education at the CAD helped me to expand my horizons and systematize knowledge in mathematics and computer sciences, and the work with my supervisor on a diploma project helped me in proper organization of projects at work.

Pushkar Volodymyr Ivanovych
Studied in 1998 - 2004
Senior system administrator at the Department CAD FEL KPI: 2001- to this day
Senior System Engineer at the "MTS Ukraine": 2005 - 2010
Unix / network system administrator of the corporation "Quasar-Micro": 2004 - 2005
System Architecture Ltd. "Digital Screens": 2011 - to this day
Senior system administrator "Digital Ventures": 2010 — 2011 Head of the department
  Studying at the CAD department gave me an invaluable experience and knowledge in information technologies, confidence in my professional abilities and possibilities for further improvement.

Yurij Yakimov,class of 2007 , DA-12

Consultant for SAP, KONE Lifts Moscow, Russia

   Studying at the KPI was not an easy experience for me, because I have always leaned to the humanities. The CAD was chosen on the basis of "I need to learn what I know least." And I has not lost. The skill to quickly understand new challenges, a confident work with massive amounts of diverse information, the ability to point out important and fundamental, the ability to structure, devolving into the problem — that is what being taught at the CAD Department ,and this is what allows me to worry less about world crises. Graduates of CAD, tempered with hardtraining will always be needed and demanded at today's job market.

Chernyshyn Vjacheslav FEL CAD Class of 2004

Manager of Foreign economic activity, group of companies “Krutye Tachki”

   The CAD Department has gave me a lot in life. To be exact - it gave me the most important! - An engineer thinking, a way of learning and growing as a person. Although I work not in my specialty(in foreign economics) and gained second degree in economics, I think of CAD as my primary education. Because those principles and abilities to study and understand the science, that were given me by the teachers I use every day. I remember a quote by Petrenko Anatolij Ivanovich- "a real engineer does not need to know everything, but he needs to know, where and what to look for".

   This is probably one of the main principles of work in our time. The first job in logistics, I found while I was an engineer in one of the Kiev's Internet provider company. And I got a second degree very confidently after the KPI. So the starting point in my life was CAD...

Vitalij Baranovskij, class of 2004 (MA)

   I think of the time studying at the department with great pleasure. Despite the fact that in my field (java-application corporate development), I got not so many specific knowledge, while studying at the department, this training gave me a powerful general theoretical basis that has allowed me to quickly and easily study any technology. As a result, I know technologies deeply and understand how everything works inside, and my knowledge is not superficial. So my value as a specialist is quit high.

I have worked in the company LLC "Liga" and have supervised the development of the portal liga.net. Together with other students from our department who also had been working there, we had established a leading business portal of Ukraine, which was designed so well that have worked even without additional development for 3.5 years after our resigning from the company.
Now I am working on a project as a team leader in the NetKreker.

Name: OksanaTkanko

Class of: 2009

Place of work: Skype (http://skype.com/)

Position: Software Engineer - Secure Web Services at Skype

What was the studying at the SD Department like?
-It's a  good question. The first course - was the most difficult but also the most interesting, because everything was new. Starting with the residence conditions (dormitories) to the large lecture halls. But! Getting involved in the process, one finds new in the familiar environment and one starts to get more of what is wanted  and more clearly understands what the desirable.Thus one gradually approaches to the question.

What has it given me?

First of all — it's knowledge. Different knowledge- purely technical and life skills.

The Department:
1. has taught me to prioritize.
2. has showen that in order to pass something (test / exam) one should complete all the assignments.
3. has provided with an opportunity of participation in different projects.
4. has provided with an opportunity of doing something not for the sake of time, but for the specific purpose.
5. has taught to work in a team.
6. has provided with an opportunity of going beyond the curriculum and implementing ideas.
And most importantly, the Department has provided me with an opportunity to do what is really interesting.

About my work:
Now I work in the Skype office in Tallinn (Estonia). I spend a lot of time here, but with a clear understanding that it is not in vain. We help people to be closer, to see and to hear each other.

Ishchuk Valentyn, Class of 2005.

Research Associate, Institute of Micro-and nano-electronics in the Technological University of Ilmenau, Germany.

     The CAD Department  gives students the opportunity to obtain multilateral knowledge in the sphere of high technology, whether it is hardware or software of electronic devices. During the classes the principle of operation of calculating devices has being taught on various levels, from the physics of semiconductor devices to the circuit architecture for personal computer in general. Concurrently, a lot of attention is being paid to  the software development technology and system analysis. All together give a very good knowledge base for finding interesting and promising work and further self-development.

    The Department’s cooperation with foreign universities gave me the opportunity to go to pre-thesis practice to Germany for six months. I have been  studying for several years now in postgraduate school of the University of Technology Ilmenau in Germany and my major is modeling of plasma processing of silicon, participating in an international European project at the same time. In cooperation with American colleagues I have completed a six months internship in the University of California at Berkeley in the Lawrence Lab. We have presented with our working group at the conference EIPBN 2011 in Las Vegas the recent results obtained with the help of our simulation software package.

Krasnoshapka Volodymyr Oleksandrovych

Class of: 2005

Place of work: Ciklum (www.ciklum.net)

Position: PHP / Drupal Lead developer

   I was so lucky with the choice of profession as well as with the choice of the most wonderful department in the NTUU “KPI”- the department of Computer Aided Design. 
   I want to thank the great faculty for the theoretical basis which I received while studying at the Department of CAD. Also, thanks to the teachers I was fortunate to find my first job! I wish that experience and the school,that exist at the department continue developing in spite of everything, helping future generations get  the most demanded profession of the 21st century, related to information technologies.

Roenko Nataliya Serhiyivna

Class of 2006

Group - ДА-02

  My best memories and experiences are from my university years! With the knowledge obtained at the SD Department ,on the 4th course I got to be a journalist and wrote articles on modern computer technology and IT development in Ukraine. After the SD Department I decided to pursue a career in PR-technologies, where my work was connected with the organization's website. It is the knowledge that I gained during the studying that have helped me in all that concerned the development, administration, promotion and maintenance of the site.

  Today I am a head of the office in one of the major real estate agencies in Ukraine and I am more than confident that in the development of my career a "baggage" of knowledge that I gained as a student of SD Department  has proofed to be significant.

I would like to point out that the SD Department has been different from others with special family atmosphere. All the teachers are very sensitive people, always ready to help students, and they will forever stay in my heart.

I graduated the SD Department in 2005 and I had been working for 2 years in the bank in managing of payment cards, what had determined my following career. Now I have been working for 4 years already in the company I had dreamed to work for since 2003. The Company is “Ukrainian Processing Center” and it is a leader of outsourcing IT service companies for banking sector in Ukraine. Technical education received at the CAD Department helps me even today. Logical thinking skills, subject base allow using them not only in working process but in every day life as well.

Nowadays its a well known fact that technical universities' graduates that major in computer technologies are the most required on the labor-market. One of these universities is the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” it is one of the most known technical universities in Ukraine and in the world and has many achievements in scientific work, faculty practice and qualified specialist's training. One of the most modern directions in information technologies is computer sciences.

Computer science are connected with the active use of computers in science, technique, business, healthcare and many other spheres of human activity. They give tremendous possibilities for the successful career, and people who work in the field of computer technologies play the key role in forming of a modern information society. It is important that the field of computer sciences attracts the most talented students from very different layers of society that allows to bring them up as skilled and responsible specialists, scientists, and engineers.

In the NTUU “KPI” specialist’s education in computer science is being officially performed by only 4 departments: two departments (MMSA and SD) of Institute for Applied System Analysis (IASA) and Departments of the Faculty of Computational and Information Techniques of Heat-and-Power Engineering Faculty. Therefore promotional stands in admission offices of other departments and faculties on specialist’s training in computer science and information technologies, is ,to say the least, is an exaggeration - as this assignment is not their core specialization. And what unique features in curriculum and in specialist's training are characteristics of IASA in particular and of the System Design Department in general?

1. First of all, the curriculum is based on international standards, namely, on the Computing Curricula 2004 educational program. Department’s curriculum isn’t focused only on programming disciplines, and due to advanced mathematical and circuit engineering courses it provides students with wide range of knowledge and skills in the field of modern computing tools and information technologies.

2.Success in specialist's training is defined not only by the curriculum itself. It is very important by whom and in what conditions this program is being performed. Education at the SD Department is based on a very powerful material and technical basis and on scientific researches of the Department, defined in Ukraine and abroad. The SD Department is the permanent performer of European international scientific research programs (TEMPUS, INCO-Copernicious), of international programs of Ukrainian Scientific Technological Centre (USTC), of direct contracts with pioneering foreign companies (Digital, Motorola, Intel, IHP, Melexis, Panasonic, IBM), State programs of Ukraine on informatization, for instance, 'Creation of National Grid infrastructure for providing scientific research and education' project (2007-10). Students are widely involved in these projects, that give them possibilities to get practical skills of developing and supporting complex computer systems and their software even during the period of education. For instance, the joint laboratory of the Department and the Melexis Company, which is equipped with 15 licensed modern design Cadence systems, enables students to execute projects in conditions that are maximally close to those of Western Companies in equipment and technologies used, that are yet not presented in Ukraine.

Students who are involved in administrating and managing the Department's local network have unique possibilities of gaining professional knowledge of maintenance of the IASA World Data Center ,that works in a world network of 52 analogue centers in 12 countries and students have possibility of working in the Center for Supercomputer Computations of NTUU 'KPI', that is leaded by the SD Department faculty.

Both experience of pioneering countries and own SD Department experience show that computer scientists successfully fulfil themselves in the three following directions:

- Software design and implementation. They are invited for perspective positions of programmers. They get in charge of coordination other programmers who are less aware of the new approaches in programming.

- Search and developing the new ways and directions of computer usage. Achievements in the field of creating computer networks, data and knowledge bases, user-friendly human-computer interface enabled to create Internet and Web service (WWW). Nowadays researchers work on building the world Grid network for sharing computational capabilities and data repositories. Grid enables to go beyond the simple data exchange between computers, and to turn their global network into some kind of giant virtual computer, available in remote mode from any point, independently on user's location.

- Development of efficient ways for solving computerization tasks. For example, computer scientists develop efficient ways of data storing in data bases, data transfer via computer networks and display of complex information. Their theoretical fundamental training enables them to find the best decisions of all possible, and their knowledge of algorithms helps to develop the new approaches which provide better functionality and efficiency of projects or systems being created.

Its interesting to study at the SD Department. Only due to the  interest to computational techniques and new computer technologies the GPA among five-year students achieves 4.6, and more than 15% of graduates get honors degree.

Don't be afraid of the curriculum's complexity! What is interesting that can be easily done!

So Join the SD Department!



Graduates of the department are specialists of a wide profile who have comprehensive knowledge in the field of computational mathematics and algorithmization, programming and computer graphics, databases and artificial intelligence, computer architecture and computer networking. The main purpose of such specialists is the design and operation of complex software, hardware and software information systems of various uses, which requires a clear understanding of their mathematical, software and hardware interactions.

At the same time, the systemic thinking and thorough preparation in the field of computer sciences, the availability of skills for the use of modern network information technologies allows graduates to easily specialize in various fields of information technology, change their activities, work In various organizations and institutions.

Interviewing specialists www.4cio.ru
Role of training in career development of an IT specialist

Our graduates work as architects of software and hardware of information systems, project managers, programmer, computer system analyst, computer network administrators, databases, etc., it's hard to list everything, but you can highlight a few key areas of activity and placement of graduates.

Main directions of activity of graduates


Computer Information Systems:

  • Designing Computer Information Systems
  • System Integration of Computing Technology and Software, Designing Internet Applications and Services
  • System Integration of Solutions in Related Fields of Knowledge
  • Administering and supporting complex hardware and software systems

Application Software:

  • Software Development for Computer Information Systems
  • Web design and web design
  • Software Interface Design and Visual Software Components
  • Software Integration
  • Software Support
  • Quality Score and Software Testing

Databases and Knowledge:

  • Designing databases and knowledge
  • Administering and maintaining databases
  • Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • Administration and maintenance of artificial intelligence systems
  • Intelligent Analysis and Data Processing

Network infrastructure support:

  • Computer Network Administration
  • Exploitation and maintenance of computer networks
  • Maintenance of the system software of computer information systems
  • Organization of computer networks protection

Information Management:

  • Project Management
  • Information Technology Management
  • Information Systems Management
  • Managing Databases and Knowledge
  • Management of enterprise management systems

Automated Design Systems:

  • Automation of the design of computer systems, including microprocessor systems and their elements
  • Automation of designing biomedical, physical and other data processing systems
  • Business Process Modeling and Forecasting
  • Formalization of subject areas when creating automated systems
  • Modeling objects and automation processes in computer information systems
Динаміка росту ІT-ринку праці в України
The dynamics of the growth of the IT labor market in Ukraine

Studies show that with the growth of scientific and technological progress, automation of labor is increasing. In order to get a job in the future, a person needs to develop new tools in a timely manner, seek out non-standard solutions, and work in the sphere where the creative and scientific approach is most valued. An engineer is probably one of the most sought after professions in the future. The largest IT companies in the world are already putting their programming strategies and engineering into their strategies.

Answering the numerous questions of students and their parents, we have collected some information about positions and approximate salaries for these areas.

  • Типові посади працівників іт-галузі

    Developers/Engineers (software - SW, hardware - HW Developer or Engineer). Within this directions there are positions such as junior (Junior), lead (Middle), senior engineers (Senior), project managers (Principal).

    Junior Engineers - Senior students (since III year of education) of leading technical universities in SW, IT, ACS specialties. They are involved in rough work of the department, debugging of the code (debugging), working with the "old" code (porting), and error correction (bug-fixing). This work is a great opportunity for young professionals to acquire the experience required for further growth.

    Salaries of these professionals, in Kyiv, for example,, can be from $100-200 (III year students, part-time) to $1000-1300 (V-VI students courses in Western SW-centers).

    Programmers and software engineers - experts, who constitute the majority of the staff of any software developing company. Except developers, there are business analysts who also participate in the process of designing and have nothing in common with system. Business analysts are engaged in gathering and formulation of requirements relevant to particular software. There are also quality assurance engineers (QA Engineers – testers). Generally there are 5 quality assurance engineers on 10 software developers. Such a specialist is usually a graduate of a technical university with work experience about 3-5 years. These specialists are involved in major projects of the company: product solutions, system development, and offshore development (depending on the specifics of the company).

    Specialists with 5 years experience are usually invited for the position of leading (senior) engineers. These professionals have sufficient expertise to be technical "guru" of the project, know all the hidden pitfalls of the implementation of SW / HW decision, participate in the creation of architectural, write test tasks and scenarios (regarding quality assurance departments). Often these professionals have 2-5 employees in direct subordination who are involved in joint writing of the code.

    Senior developer and Team Leader are very close positions. The difference between them is only among subordinates; usually team leader has in a submission from 5 to 20 professionals. Team leader is often involved in development.

    Project Manager (PM) - is one of the key positions in the company. PM is responsible for project management, time tracking, negotiate with customers and foreign counterparts. Project manager isn’t usually involved directly in the process of coding or testing, but may be involved in the process of discussing the architectural features of the code.

    Revenues of project leaders can be very different - mostly it depends on the scale of the project. $2200-2500 in Ukrainian and small western offshore companies, up to $5000 and more in major Western centers.

    As part of the Information Management and network administration technical support experts (Helpdesk), system administrators, senior system administrators, IT-Managers, IT-Directors are employed.

    Technical support specialist (helpdesk) is a starting position. These professionals work with UNIX and other networks, servers, internal corporate IT-systems. The main duties of the technical support specialist (helpdesk) include user consultation on issues of information technology, solving the users problems associated with the operation of office equipment and initial network administration. Salary depends on the availability of higher education and English language skills.

    The system administrator is primarily engaged in the administration of the network. The system administrator can operate both within the IT-department of the company and independently. Depending on working conditions responsibilities differ: if system administrator is working independently, he combines responsibilities of the helpdesk specialist and others.

    Salary of system administrators, for example, in Kyiv, ranging from $1200 to $3500, the salary of system administrator with experience of 1-2 years, initial Windows administration skills, with or without knowledge of English will be from $1200 to $2000. System Administrator with experience of 2-4 years already receives $2000 - $2500. UNIX-Administrator (with knowledge of English) receives $3500.

    IT-manager manages IT- department. She/he leads all the documentation in her/his IT-department, is responsible for the implementation of new IT-policy: security policy, the corporate information system (ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning), the introduction of advanced computer-aided design and other application and system software used by employees in their work. The salary of such a specialist depends on the size of the company and number of subordinated people.

    IT-Director (Director of IT) is responsible for the IT-department of the whole company, which can be quite large and complex. IT-Director may have from 10 to 50 subordinated employees, and salary varies depending on the size of the company and areas of responsibility.

    This category of IT-specialists includes the business analyst. Business Analyst is a link between business and IT. The duties of business analyst include the study, description and modeling of business processes of the company and their adjustment in connection with the implementation and support of ERP-system.

    Separately, you can select a category of implementation consultants who implement systems and services: ERP- systems, CAD - systems, information security and surveillance systems, etc. (manufactured by large Western, Russian or Ukrainian companies as well as developed on request). They are also responsible for connection to services of provider companies such as cloud data storage, cloud computing resources (from the world well-known companies such as IBM, HP, Amazon AWS, Rackspace and national companies), etc.

Correspondence Tuition
At the stage of development. Will be filled to 02/02/12.

Master's and specialist degree on the basis of "Computer Science"
At the stage of development. Will be filled to 02/02/12.

Bachelor on the basis of junior specialist
At the stage of development. Will be filled to 02/02/12.

Bachelor on the basis of secondary education (high school)
At the stage of development. Will be filled to 02/02/12.

Reward of V.P. Sihorskiy
At the stage of development. Will be filled to 20/02/12.

Премия им. В.П. Сигорского
На стадии разработки. Будет заполнено до 2.02.12.
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